
Hárnákvæm listvísindi

Til allra þeirra sem vinna nú hörðum höndum að gáfulegum bókagreiningum til birtingar hér á þessum lifandi vettvangi nútíma bókvísinda er hér orðsending frá Pierre Bourdieu, nýja vini mínum:

... a rigorous science of art must, pace both the unbelievers and iconoclasts and also the believers, assert the possibility and necessity of understanding the work in its reality as a fetish; it has to take into account everything which helps to constitute the work as such, not least the discourses of direct or disguised celebration which are among the social conditions of production of the work of art quo object of belief.
(Pierre Bourdieu: "The Field of Cultural Production, Or: The Economic World Reversed", bls. 317.)

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